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In this article, we are providing The Hack Driver Extra Questions and Answers PDF Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet CBSE, Extra Questions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet was designed by subject expert teachers.

The Hack Driver Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet

Extract Based Questions [3 Marks each]

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Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Question 1.
I was sent, not to prepare legal briefs, but to serve summons, like a cheap detective.
(a) At what post was T working?
(b) Why was he not given legal briefs to prepare?
(c) Find a word meaning ‘court order’ from the given extract.
(d) What is the present tense of ‘sent’?*
(a) T was working as a junior assistant clerk.
(b) Probably because he was inexperienced, he was not given legal briefs to prepare.
(c) ‘Summons’ from the extract means ‘court order’.
(d) ‘Send’ is its present tense.

Question 2.
He was so open and friendly that I glowed with the warmth of his affection. I knew, of course, that he wanted the business, but his kindness was real.
(a) Who is ‘he’ in these lines?
(b) Give an instance of his kindness.
(c) Find a word from the extract which means ‘a gentle feeling of fordness’.
(d) What is the opposite of kindness?
(a) ‘He’ in these lines is Bill Magnuson, the hack driver.
(b) He offered to take the narrator through the village and find Lutkins.
(c) ‘Affection’ from the extract means ‘a gentle feeling of fondness’.
(d) Cruelty’ is the opposite of ‘kindness’.

Question 3.
So we pursued him, just behind him, but never catching him, for an hour till it was past one o’ clock,
(a) Who was pursuing whom?
(b) Why were they pursuing him?
(c) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘followed’?
(d) What is the opposite of ‘behind’?
(a) The narrator and Bill were pursuing Lutkins.
(b) They were pursuing him because the lawyer had to serve him a summons.
(c) ‘pursued’ in the extract, is the synonym of‘followed’.
(d) ‘ahead’ is its opposite.

Question 4.
What really hurt me was that when I served the summons, Lutkins and his mother laughed at me as though I were a bright boy of seven.
(a) What hurt the narrator?
(b) Why did the two laugh?
(c) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘delivered1?
(d) What is the opposite of ‘bright’?
(a) The laughter of Lutkins and his mother hurt the narrator.
(b) The two laughed because they had been successful in fooling him.
(c) ‘served’ from the extract is the synonym of ‘delivered’.
(d) Its opposite is ‘dull’.

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Question 5.
I had to go to dirty and shadowy comers of the city to seek out my victims. Some of the larger and more self-confident ones even beat me up. [CBSE 2013]
(a) Who is ‘I’?
(b) What was the nature of Ts job?
(c) Find a word from the extract which means find’.
(d) What is the opposite of ‘dirty’?
(a) ‘I’ is the young lawyer who is the narrator of the story.
(b) The nature of his job was to serve summons on people who were required to present themselves in the court.
(c) ‘Seek out’ from the extract means ‘find’.
(d) Its opposite is ‘dean’.

Question 6.
When I got to New Mullion, my eager expectations of a sweet and simple country village were severely disappointed. Its streets were rivers of mud, with rows of wooden shops, either painted a sour brown, or bare of any paint at all. [CBSE 2015]
(a) Who is T?
(b) Why was T disappointed?
(c) What does the word ‘expectations’ mean?
(d) What is the opposite of ‘disappointed’?
(a) ‘I’ is the young lawyer who is the narrator of the story.
(b) T was disappointed because he did not like the muddy streets and unpainted looks of the shops.
(c) It means ‘a brief about how good something will be’.
(d) Its opposite is’‘pleased’.

Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks each]

Question 1.
Why did the narrator call his work unpleasant?
The narrator was sent to serve summons. He had to go to all sorts of dirty and dangerous places. At times, he was also beaten by those very people. That is why he called his work unpleasant.

Question 2.
Describe the hack driver’s appearance in your own words.
The hack driver looked to be about forty years in age. His face was red. He wore dirty and worn out clothes but he was cheerful.

Question 3.
Why does the hack driver offer to ask about Oliver Lutkins? [CBSE 2012]
The hack driver was none other than Oliver Lutkins himself. He did not wish to take the summons and go as a witness. So, he pretended to be a hack driver. He offered to help the lawyer so that the lawyer could not come to know about him from someone else.

Question 4.
‘But he was no more dishonest than I’. Explain.
The narrator meant to say that the hack driver was as dishonest as him because he was getting paid for riding the narrator on his cart on the pretence of helping him.

Question 5.
The narrator was happy though he had not found Lutkins. Why?
The narrator had hated city life. This ride through the village made him very happy. He was overjoyed to meet the hack driver. So he was happy though he had not found Lutkins.

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Question 6.
What impressed the narrator most about Bill? Mention any two things.
The first quality that struck the narrator was that Bill was a cheerful, friendly and helpful man. Secondly, he loved Bill for his simple and philosophical wisdom.


Question 7.
How did the chief react when the narrator returned to his town?
The chief was furious at the narrator’s failure to serve summons on Lutkins. He decided to send a man who knew Ltutkins with the narrator the next day to serve summons on Lutkins.

Question 8.
How does the narrator find Lutkins eventually?
The narrator’s companion had seen Lutkins. When the narrator pointed opt the hack driver to him, he told him that the hack driver was Lutkins himself. In this way, the narrator found Lutkins eventually.

Question 9.
Why did Lutkins pretend to be Bill Magnuson? [CBSE 2015]
Lutkins pretended to be Bill Magnuson as he did not want to accept the summons and be a witness in the case.

Question 10.
What did the hack driver tell the narrator about Lutkins’mother? [CBSE 2014]
The hack driver told the narrator that Lutkins’ mother was a real terror. He described her as a large and hefty lady with a fierce temper. He also said that she was quick as a cat.

Question 11.
How did the hack driver befool the lawyer?
The hack driver was able to befool him as he had not seen Lutkins before. He took him around the village on the protect of searching for Lutkins.

Long Answer (Volue Based) Type Questions [8 Marks each]

Question 1.
The narrator strikes us as a romantic idealist, Do you agree? Support your answer from the text.
The narrator is definitely a romantic idealist. He is fresh out of law school. He wants to have a real case. But, as a part of training, he is sent to serve summons. He finds it difficult to understand. He simply dislikes his job as he has to go to all dirty places. Further, he has a very romantic | view of the country. He believes that villages are all pure and peaceful. There is no ugliness of the city in them. He I also thinks that villagers are very honest and decent people. He has a habit of trusting people blindly. He believes in whatever someone says. In fact, he is very gullible. Later on, he realises that a village can also be ugly. He also experiences that villagers are not always simple and honest.

Question 2.
Describe ‘Bill’ as seen through the eyes of the narrator.
The narrator was much impressed with Bill. He first meets him at the station. He finds him to be friendly and cheerful. Bill is very helpful in his eyes as he offers to take him around in search of Lutkins. The narrator admires him when he goes looking for Lutkins on his behalf. Bill is full of a wonderful village charm. The narrator finds Bill to have a unique country wisdom. He admires him as a story teller. He appreciates him a lot when Bill even goes to Lutkins’ mother’s place to find him. For the narrator, Bill is a friendly man who helps others generously. He is so impressed by Bill that he decides to settle down in the village.

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Question 3.
‘Appearances are often deceptive’. Comment on the statement in the light of your reading of the story.
Things are not always what they seem to be. Appearances are often deceptive. The narrator reaches a village in the search of Oliver Lutkins. He meets a hack driver at the station. The driver warns him about Lutkins. He takes him on a tour of the entire village in search of Lutkins. He tells the narrator about his experiences and about the village and its people. The narrator likes him for his helpful and kind nature.
He even forgets all about Lutkins. But, the next day he finds out that the hack driver was Oliver Lutkins himself. He realises that a simple and kind person was a trickster in reality.

Question 4.
Do you think Lutkins was right in befooling the lawyer and earning money by using unfair means? What precautions should one take to avoid a situation like the one in which the lawyer was placed? [CBSE 2014]
Lutkins was not right in befooling the lawyer and earning money by using unfair means. This shows that Lutkins did not care for the law at all. If we are in the lawyer’s place, we should not believe in things as they are seen. We should judge every action taken by the other person carefully before accepting it. Instead of depending on others, we should carry out our enquiries ourselves. The lawyer was befooled because he let Lutkins do the finding and questioning and did not do anything himself. This resulted in his failure to serve the summons on Lutkins.

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